ServicesEnterprises can increase their probability of success by treating BI and data warehousing as strategic issues, rather than unimportant issues, in a broader discussion of IT. This requires a focus that goes beyond the technology. Methodology, organization, skills and architecture issues must come to the forefront. Gartner - Kevin Strange - 2003-03-06 The reason we start this page with a quotation of Gartner is to make it clear that the software PROMES sells cannot be implemented without consultancy services. PROMES manufacturing software is not a kind of software you run from the CD and then wait for the benefits coming in. Our aim is to give you the maximum benefit out of our product, which is an improvement of your manufacturing process in terms of improved product quality and improved productivity. PROMES stands for diagram shown on this page and provides you straight forward services to accomplish this. The first step of our consultancy services is to find the tuning buttons in your manufacturing. Actually you have to learn us how your manufacturing works today, but we ask the questions, and we catalog your answers in a way we can find the magic elements where our product can give added value. This method is the IPO (Input Process Output). In a second step we follow the G@mp implementation strategy to make sure you get the benefits you expect, and the project is not drifting away from its core. |
PROMES BVBA - Laarsebeekdreef 14 2900 Schoten Belgium Tel: +32 475 87 69 38 - E-mail: info@promes.be |