Installation - Setup

Insert the PRODBX CD in your pc and run the setup program. After a welcome dialog box you will be asked to enter your personal information and license key. If you do not enter the license key, you will run the product in a limited mode.

Hereafter you will be prompted to enter the machine name of the dispatcher.


It is very important you provide the correct information. Specify or an IP-address or the computername of the machine you want to run the dispatcher. The installation script will create a new system variable DispatcherIP that will hold the information you enter over here. You can modify the information afterwards by going in the Control Panel - System and lookup the variable with this name.

In the next dialog box you can specify the directory where to install the prodbx product. It will default you a directory in your Program Files.


After pressing Next you get a dialog box to enter the program group in your Start folder.


The setup program will then ask you to acknowledge the information just entered.

During the installation process you will be asked to default the DCOM settings.


The easiest way is to press Yes. This will configure the DCOM on your computer to work properly with PRODBX. If you are familier in configuring DCOM, you may do it manually by pressing No. See guidelines to setup DCOM.

After setup is complete, it is recommended to reboot your computer.