Configuration manager


With the configuration manager you configure your PRODBX network, and the way you exchange data between systems. The configuration itself is however stored at the dispatcher. This means to startup the configuration manager, when the configuration is retrieved, and when saving the configuration or configuration changes you must be online with the dispatcher. If you're working in a LAN, this wouldn't be much of a problem. When you only can reach the dispatcher through a dial-up connection, make sure you establish the connection at startup or at saving the configuration. You do not need to have a connection in between. Or as long as you are editing the configuration, there is no interaction with the dispatcher.

There are 4 main blocks of configuration to enter:

  • Database connections: defining the connection clients in your network, their type of technology used to interface your application, and the parameters to use this interface.
  • Source tables and mapping: in this you enter the source tables (or files) and fields, how to translate the data in those fields, and to what destination(s) tables and fields the translated data should be send.
  • Functions: here you define the translation scripts. Until now PRODBX supports Visual Basic scripting and Java scripting.
  • Batch scheduler: when you want to exchange data in a batch-oriented way, you can define the frequency of executing the batch.

Click here to learn more about how to navigate through the configuration manager's screens.