Configuration Manager

@aGlance Connection

This section describes how to configure PRODBX in conjunction with @aGlance. @aGlance is a Axeda product. More information can be found on

Select @AGLANCE in the connection type listbox when defining the database connection and select the connection tab. Your screen will look like:

There is only one parameter required at this level, which is the servername of your @aGlance server. This is the name you defined for the server when setting up the client portion of @aGlance.

When working in the 'Source tables and mapping' section of the configuration manager, upon selecting a @aGlance client, your screen will dynamically adapt to @aGlance type fields.

  • Group: because there is no grouping functionality in @aGlance you must specify your tag groups over here. By grouping you identify all tags that logically belong together. If you are familiar with database tables, you could compare one record in a database table with a group of tags in @aGlance. Grouping is mandatory.
  • Tag::Attribute: This is the name of the @aGlance tag, or when used in a SP72 environment this is the tag with the attribute definition separated by '::'.
    By pressing the 'Select tag from list' button the configuration manager will connect to the @aGlance server and retrieve the list of available tags.

Available SP72 attribute definitions in PRODBX are:

Attribute Description
ALMDB Alarm limit deadband
ALMST Alarm status word
AOUTPUT Analog block output
APV Analog process measurement
ASP PID or PRF setpoint
CGAIN Controller gain tuning constant
CRATE Controller rate tuning constant
CRESET Controller reset tuning constant
DESC EPN descriptor
DEVHIAP Setpoint deviation alarm
DEVLOAP Setpoint deviation alarm
DOUTPUT Digital output value
DPV Digital input value
OPHILM Block output high limit
OPLOLM Block output low limit
PERIOD Scan rate in 1/4 seconds
PVHHAP High high alarm limit
PVHIAP High alarm limit
PVLLAP Low low alarm limit
PVLOAP Low alarm limit
PVRCNAP Rate of change alarm limit - negative
PVRCAP Rate of change alarm limit
PVRCPAP Rate of change alarm limit - positive
RANGEHI High EGU value of the display range
RANGELO Low EGU value of the display range
SPHILM Setpoint high limit
SPLOLM Setpoint low limit
SPRTLM Setpoint rate of change limit
TARGET Internal setpoint - target of a rate limited setpoint change
UNITS Engineering units

Scheduled tasks (batch download) and @aGlance

It might be that you want to download the contents of a database table in a series of tags. This means that the tag on one side dynamically has to change upon the record number on the other side. You can do this by defining a series of tags in the configuration manager, by defining an offset tag. The offset tag consists of a fixed value and a sequenced value. The sequenced value is defined between %%.

For example: We want to set the ASP's of tags 2TIC020 to 2TIC240 according records coming out a database table. To do this we specify in the destination tag::attribute field the value 2TIC%%020%%::ASP